1 - William
I met William at an artist's group my Dad attends. Every Thursday, this group of assorted local artists meet, usually at McDougall United Church, to work on their art and enjoy each other's company. My Dad invited me along one day, so along I came, camera bag in tow. There were six of us, and I sat observing the creative juices flowing. William was sitting across from myself, pencil in hand, drawing a face; the beginning of what I'm sure was to be something beautiful. There was general chatting, joking around, and William was always piping up, perfectly at his leisure, which is probably what my initial draw was. He spoke freely, but politely, and had a very approachable air to him. So when, as I was about to leave, I plucked up the courage to do my first of these 100 portraits (because it is still a tad nerve-wracking, even for the outgoing), it came as no surprise that he willingly obliged.